Late Summer update.

Dear readers and followers.

My father´s health is deteriorating quickly now.  I more or less live in a suitcase and travel many miles by train to visit him as much as possible before the inevitable fact happens. His time is right here and right now.

Therefore, I have chosen to only write here whenever I feel that I have the strength for it.

That I do have now, this evening.

I hope that you all are doing well and thrive wherever you roam. Personally, this is the wildest journey I have ever embarked on. The waiting takes its serious toll on me. My late mother is deeply missed for almost nine years in September. And now it is time to accept the fact that my dear father will join her soon on the Spring Field at the end of the rainbow.

I have no siblings, and my father is the last family member left and I feel a deep and forever-lasting connection.

So, I´m mourning between hours of waiting for the public transport system in Denmark to live up to its own words about precision and service.

Right now, I´m listening to fast music, very loud indeed. It is okay because I need to release all my pain, silent cries in the night, and sorrow.

But this is also a time for reflection, Shadow Work, and calming magick.

I collect all the positive memories I possibly can, while there is still time to do so. I work extra hard at the fitness gym, my social work, and everything I do. To gather as many extra powers and positive mental energies as possible. To endure, to persist, to go the whole way without losing my mind, my soul, my me.

When will I write here again? That is an open question, but please bear over with me, as this with my father is already a devastating loss hard to cope with.

I manage, though, for which I am forever grateful. I can´t thank my base, my beautiful chosen family, and my dear friends worldwide enough. With your support, I can handle this, however painful it is.

In just a few weeks from now, I will end my hours of counseling. Then, I´m my own master again.

But somewhere, somehow, and someday, I know that there is an end to every tunnel. My mood is changing from the beautiful, free, and creative mania to the slower, more reflecting, and less productive depression.

It is more than okay, however, as I´m stable and calm, and have learned the art of coping well with bipolar disorder, ADHD, and anxiety in my life already.

And I promise, I will be back as soon as it feels right to write here.

Besides my father´s poor health, everything else seems to match my dreams about happiness, inner peace, personal good health, and kindness in my life.

The Summer went quickly, the weather gods conjured weeks of boring rain and tiresome wind, and I truly believe that what we experience worldwide this year, well, Mother Earth is angry, and I agree with her.

Humans need to fix their mistakes. Now. Make love not war. Yes, I was created in the year 1968, was born a few days before the first Moon landing, and my birth date is the year of the French Revolution in 1789.

There is plenty of history already in my life. I´m proud of my ancestors, and they shall be fairly honored at Samhain in October.

But first, we have a Super Blue Moon on August 31, 2023. There, I will create something beautiful, something with true meaning, and something positive.

I will give my proper thanks at Mabon in September.

But Samhain, well, it will be a very special occasion, and I might as well begin to prepare it soon.

So, busy as usual, also with work. Tomorrow, I will begin a creative course in my neighboring town together with a friend from the social houses. Tomorrow, it is Monday again, the everyday goes around and comes around. And tomorrow, my sweet husband and I will have been together for fifteen years exactly.

The weather forecast indicates a barbecue in the beautiful late Summer garden. He is the true love of my life, I´m happily and forever deeply in love with him, and he is my man.

My current home project is to go through all our stuff, the good things as well as boxes with clutter to let go of. We only live once, we arrive with nothing, and we leave with nothing but memories of what was before.

What stays here, it will be used. If not, well, time to move on and focus all energy on living in the present moment, get up happy and try to stay happy most of the time, and simply live in every split-second possible.

No time for petty arguments, stupid people, or a madman´s war.

Being kind is a gift, receiving kindness is magick.

So simple as that.

This with my father made me grow up this Summer. Prioritizing the beautiful moments in life to anything connected with negativity. I don´t know where I get the necessary extra energy, but life goes on here in the southern part of Denmark.

This is my window to the world. Thank you for reading. Thank you for being here. And thank you for being you.

May you all thrive, enjoy life, and stay happy, dear readers and followers.

May the world calm down, humans become grownups rather than fighting amongst each other and everybody else all the time, and we all grow some respect for Mother Earth.

And may all my strength, all my love, and all my magick show full potential right here and right now.

As I will it, so mote it be.

Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.