58 Divination 3 Lenormand

Lenormand cards are different from Tarot cards in more than one way. First of all, there are only 36 cards, but in a Lenormand reading it is about pairing and combining with other cards in the deck, whereas the Tarot is more about the total meaning of a spread. Secondly, there is not a Major and Minor Arcana in Lenormand, and thirdly, the number of spreads is quite limited, where only fantasy sets the limits for Tarot spread design.

I´m in a big learning process with Lenormand cards because of the many possible combinations and I therefore only have a few keywords of my own to show you for each card.

  • 58 Lenormand

The Rider : something is about to happen, take action, be alert.

The Clover : the little joys of everyday, gratitude, seize the day.

The Ship : a want to try new things, contemplation, choice of path.

The House : family life, to feel safe, building foundations.

The Tree : persistence, settling roots, personal health.

The Clouds : shadow issues, frustration, patience needed.

The Snake : watch out, hidden agendas, illusions.

The Coffin : repressed feelings, the end of a cycle, birth, death and rebirth.

The Bouquet : acknowledgement, presents, pay respect to others.

The Scythe : swift changes, be cautious, release.

The Whip : instability in surroundings, mental challenges, disagreement.

The Birds : social interactions, important to restore energy, work with concentration.

The Child : new possibilities, take care of inner child, transform weaknesses into strengths.

The Fox : delicate situations, make clever solutions, reflect upon choices.

The Bear : trust in yourself, maintain a personal budget, seek advice.

The Star : clarity, possible growth, personal development.

The Stork : acceptance of change, re-evaluate approaches, take responsibility.

The Dog : cooperation, commitment, trust.

The Tower : self-confidence, the bigger picture, solitary activities.

The Garden : community, gatherings, new impressions.

The Mountain : problem solving, hard work pays off, self-care necessary.

The Crossroads : decisive action, different perspectives, lessons to learn.

The Mice : unrest, relaxation necessary, bad habits.

The Heart : inner peace, caring, understanding.

The Ring : ongoing work with relationships, realistic plans, feeling of security.

The Book : learning process, shadow work, hidden knowledge.

The Letter : communication, the outer world, creating networks.

The Gentleman : male correspondences, influence from others, self-reliance.

The Lady : female correspondences, influence from others, self-reliance.

The Lily : passion, balance between desire and satisfaction, appreciate what I already have.

The Sun : inner happiness, success is a process, hard work pays off.

The Moon : shadow work, intuitive senses, personal credit.

The Key : important issues, new focus, determination.

The Fish : valuables and values, contentment, money matters.

The Anchor : build on solid foundations, personal boundaries.

The Cross : responsibilities, release negative patterns, forgiveness.

I have chosen a simple 3 card spread to show you how I work with Lenormand as a beginner. It will provide me with some quick answers to how I´m doing with this blog, which was my question today. And it is read from left to right, with card 2 as the main focus card, and with card 1 and 3 (and card 3 and 1) as each others´mirrors for some quick details.

Card 1 was the Rider, card 2 the Key and card 3 the Anchor.

My interpretation of today´s cards is that the blog is doing fine, as I´ve reached my goals for getting started. It is also time for hard work building up the blog, and I should be open to new opportunities, as I´ll learn along the way.

It has been quite difficult to write today. Maybe it´s because of this Mercury Retrograde, where communication can get a bit disrupted.

It has also been bad weather, with both heat and heavy rain. A thundering headache does not help either.

I´ll return stronger tomorrow with a view into my witch´s den, my daily life as a cottage witch.